Monday, September 13, 2010

Principles of Design - Unity

This is an example of unity. Artist Laurent La Gamba creatively creates a sense of unity in this supermarket scene and bolsters the idea of unity by imbedding a person right in the middle of the scene like a chameleon; in and out of plain sight at the same time.

Principles of Design - Variety

This picture is an example of variety. The different shaped and colored glass pieces contribute to the overall sense of variety in the work of art in that it makes it easy to distinguish each piece seperately.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Anything BUT normal

There is no such thing as a globally accepted "normal". There is no "normal" life. There is no "normal" family. "Normal", i think, is what YOU make of it. To everyone else it might just be different but who cares what they think? They don't live YOUR life. I'm normal in my own right but probably different from you. That's one of the great things in this world: its diversity. Normality is relative to each and every single continent, country, state, district, city, people, and individual.

I am normal in my own right but in the scope of the entire universe, I am anything BUT [normal].